TiDB Server Main Loop

跟着官方的tidb源码阅读博客,看了TiDB main函数,大致了解了一个SQL的处理过程

conn session

下图显示了TiDB中Accept一个mysql连接的处理流程,对于每个新的conn, TiDB会启动一个goroutine来处理这个conn, 并按照Mysql协议,处理不同的mysql cmd。 每个conn在server端会有个对应的session.

对于Query语句,会session.Execute生成一个执行器,返回一个resultSet, 最后调用writeResultset, 从ResultSet.Next中获取结果,然后将结果返回给客户端。

tidb server main


  1. ParseSQL 将SQL语句解析为stmt ast tree
  2. Compile 将stmt ast tree 转换为physical plan
  3. BuildExecutor 创建executor
  4. resultSet.Next 驱动executor执行




StmtNode 接口定义

// Node is the basic element of the AST.
// Interfaces embed Node should have 'Node' name suffix.
type Node interface {
	// Restore returns the sql text from ast tree
	Restore(ctx *format.RestoreCtx) error
	// Accept accepts Visitor to visit itself.
	// The returned node should replace original node.
	// ok returns false to stop visiting.
	// Implementation of this method should first call visitor.Enter,
	// assign the returned node to its method receiver, if skipChildren returns true,
	// children should be skipped. Otherwise, call its children in particular order that
	// later elements depends on former elements. Finally, return visitor.Leave.
	Accept(v Visitor) (node Node, ok bool)
	// Text returns the original text of the element.
	Text() string
	// SetText sets original text to the Node.
	SetText(text string)

// StmtNode represents statement node.
// Name of implementations should have 'Stmt' suffix.
type StmtNode interface {




Compile中首先使用planbuilder,将stmt ast 树转换为logical plan, 然后logicalOptimize做基于规则的逻辑优化,physicalOptimize会根据 cost选择最佳的physical plan. 最后postOptimize还会做一波优化。


logical plan optimize

逻辑优化(Rule-based-Optimization, 简称RBO),主要依据关系代数的等价交换规则做一些逻辑变换。

var optRuleList = []logicalOptRule{
	&columnPruner{}, // column pruning again at last, note it will mess up the results of buildKeySolver

Physical Optimization

物理优化,主要通过对查询的数据读取、表连接方式、表连接顺序、排序等技术进行优化。 基于代价的优化(CBO), 依赖于统计信息的准确性与及时性,执行计划会及时的根据数据变换做对应的调整

主要实现在函数findBestTask中,每个logical plan都实现了这个findBestTask接口, 具体实现在planner/core/find_best_task.go中 其中baseLogicalPlan.findBestTask 为封装的基类函数 在attach2Task中会更新task的cost


	// findBestTask converts the logical plan to the physical plan. It's a new interface.
	// It is called recursively from the parent to the children to create the result physical plan.
	// Some logical plans will convert the children to the physical plans in different ways, and return the one
	// With the lowest cost and how many plans are found in this function.
	// planCounter is a counter for planner to force a plan.
	// If planCounter > 0, the clock_th plan generated in this function will be returned.
	// If planCounter = 0, the plan generated in this function will not be considered.
	// If planCounter = -1, then we will not force plan.
	findBestTask(prop *property.PhysicalProperty, planCounter *PlanCounterTp) (task, int64, error)

	// attach2Task makes the current physical plan as the father of task's physicalPlan and updates the cost of
	// current task. If the child's task is cop task, some operator may close this task and return a new rootTask.
	attach2Task(...task) task

findBestTask最后的输出为task, 可以使用explain查看最后生成的task

>create table t (id varchar(31), name varchar(50), age int, key id_idx(id));
>explain select name, age from t where age > 18;
| id                    | estRows | task      | access object | operator info                  |
| Projection_4          | 0.00    | root      |               | tests.t.name, tests.t.age      |
| └─TableReader_7       | 0.00    | root      |               | data:Selection_6               |
|   └─Selection_6       | 0.00    | cop[tikv] |               | eq(tests.t.id, "pingcap")      |
|     └─TableFullScan_5 | 1.00    | cop[tikv] | table:t       | keep order:false, stats:pseudo |


cop task 是指被下推到 KV 端分布式执行的计算任务,root task 是指在 TiDB 端单点执行的计算任务。

type task interface {
	count() float64
	addCost(cost float64)
	cost() float64
	copy() task
	plan() PhysicalPlan
	invalid() bool


// rootTask is the final sink node of a plan graph. It should be a single goroutine on tidb.
type rootTask struct {
	p   PhysicalPlan
	cst float64


// copTask is a task that runs in a distributed kv store.
// TODO: In future, we should split copTask to indexTask and tableTask.
type copTask struct {
	indexPlan PhysicalPlan
	tablePlan PhysicalPlan
	cst       float64
	// indexPlanFinished means we have finished index plan.
	indexPlanFinished bool
	// keepOrder indicates if the plan scans data by order.
	keepOrder bool
	// doubleReadNeedProj means an extra prune is needed because
	// in double read case, it may output one more column for handle(row id).
	doubleReadNeedProj bool

	extraHandleCol   *expression.Column
	commonHandleCols []*expression.Column
	// tblColHists stores the original stats of DataSource, it is used to get
	// average row width when computing network cost.
	tblColHists *statistics.HistColl
	// tblCols stores the original columns of DataSource before being pruned, it
	// is used to compute average row width when computing scan cost.
	tblCols           []*expression.Column
	idxMergePartPlans []PhysicalPlan
	// rootTaskConds stores select conditions containing virtual columns.
	// These conditions can't push to TiKV, so we have to add a selection for rootTask
	rootTaskConds []expression.Expression

	// For table partition.
	partitionInfo PartitionInfo


Compile后最后返回的数据结构为ExecStmt, 接下来会使用buildExecutor把ExecSmt 转变为executor.

// ExecStmt implements the sqlexec.Statement interface, it builds a planner.Plan to an sqlexec.Statement.
type ExecStmt struct {
	// GoCtx stores parent go context.Context for a stmt.
	GoCtx context.Context
	// InfoSchema stores a reference to the schema information.
	InfoSchema infoschema.InfoSchema
	// Plan stores a reference to the final physical plan.
	Plan plannercore.Plan
	// Text represents the origin query text.
	Text string

	StmtNode ast.StmtNode

	Ctx sessionctx.Context

	// LowerPriority represents whether to lower the execution priority of a query.
	LowerPriority     bool
	isPreparedStmt    bool
	isSelectForUpdate bool
	retryCount        uint
	retryStartTime    time.Time

	// OutputNames will be set if using cached plan
	OutputNames []*types.FieldName
	PsStmt      *plannercore.CachedPrepareStmt


根据physical plan生成相应的executor, Executor interface如下, 使用了Volcano模型,接口用起来和迭代器差不多,采用Open-Next-Close套路来使用。

  • Open: 做一些初始化工作
  • Next: 执行具体操作
  • Close: 做一些清理操作
// Executor is the physical implementation of a algebra operator.
// In TiDB, all algebra operators are implemented as iterators, i.e., they
// support a simple Open-Next-Close protocol. See this paper for more details:
// "Volcano-An Extensible and Parallel Query Evaluation System"
// Different from Volcano's execution model, a "Next" function call in TiDB will
// return a batch of rows, other than a single row in Volcano.
// NOTE: Executors must call "chk.Reset()" before appending their results to it.
type Executor interface {
	base() *baseExecutor
	Open(context.Context) error
	Next(ctx context.Context, req *chunk.Chunk) error
	Close() error
	Schema() *expression.Schema




下图摘自2 executor本身


Insert 这种不需要返回数据的语句,只需要把语句执行完成即可。这类语句也是通过 Next 驱动执行,驱动点在构造 recordSet 结构之前


RecordSet driver


// RecordSet is an abstract result set interface to help get data from Plan.
type RecordSet interface {
	// Fields gets result fields.
	Fields() []*ast.ResultField

	// Next reads records into chunk.
	Next(ctx context.Context, req *chunk.Chunk) error

	// NewChunk create a chunk.
	NewChunk() *chunk.Chunk

	// Close closes the underlying iterator, call Next after Close will
	// restart the iteration.
	Close() error

RecordSet Next方法接口的实现.

// Next use uses recordSet's executor to get next available chunk for later usage.
// If chunk does not contain any rows, then we update last query found rows in session variable as current found rows.
// The reason we need update is that chunk with 0 rows indicating we already finished current query, we need prepare for
// next query.
// If stmt is not nil and chunk with some rows inside, we simply update last query found rows by the number of row in chunk.
func (a *recordSet) Next(ctx context.Context, req *chunk.Chunk) error {
	err := Next(ctx, a.executor, req)
	if err != nil {
		a.lastErr = err
		return err
	numRows := req.NumRows()
	if numRows == 0 {
		if a.stmt != nil {
			a.stmt.Ctx.GetSessionVars().LastFoundRows = a.stmt.Ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.FoundRows()
		return nil
	if a.stmt != nil {
	return nil


// writeChunks writes data from a Chunk, which filled data by a ResultSet, into a connection.
// binary specifies the way to dump data. It throws any error while dumping data.
// serverStatus, a flag bit represents server information
func (cc *clientConn) writeChunks(ctx context.Context, rs ResultSet, binary bool, serverStatus uint16) error {
	data := cc.alloc.AllocWithLen(4, 1024)
	req := rs.NewChunk()
	for {
		// Here server.tidbResultSet implements Next method.
		err := rs.Next(ctx, req)
		rowCount := req.NumRows()
		for i := 0; i < rowCount; i++ {
			data = data[0:4]
			if err = cc.writePacket(data); err != nil {
				return err
	return cc.writeEOF(serverStatus)


  1. 理解TIDB执行计划
  2. TiDB 源码阅读系列文章(三)SQL 的一生