tokio io

Core I/O abstractions for the Tokio stack.

AsyncRead/AsyncWrite use nonblock IO

non-blocking. All non-blocking I/O objects must return an error when bytes are unavailable instead of blocking the current thread.

Would block error to future Not Ready poll


  • poll_read: Attempt to read from the AsyncRead into buf.
  • poll_read_buf: Pull some bytes from this source into the specified BufMut, returning how many bytes were read.

AsyncReadExt An extension trait which adds utility methods to AsyncRead types.

This trait inherits from std::io::Read and indicates that an I/O object is non-blocking. All non-blocking I/O objects must return an error when bytes are unavailable instead of blocking the current thread.



  • poll_write: Attempt to write bytes from buf into the object.
  • poll_write_buf: Write a Buf into this value, returning how many bytes were written.
  • poll_flush: Attempt to flush the object, ensuring that any buffered data reach their destination.
  • poll_shutdown: Initiates or attempts to shut down this writer, returning success when the I/O connection has completely shut down.


tcp stream

/// An I/O object representing a TCP stream connected to a remote endpoint.




Split a single value implementing AsyncRead + AsyncWrite into separate AsyncRead and AsyncWrite handles. 还不是太明白这个地方为啥需要lock ?类似与rw lock?

将一个stream分为reader, write部分,解决需要两次mut引用问题(src, dst)


调用poll_read, poll_write都会调用poll_lock, 此处的poll_lock并不会block线程。类似于spin lock。

fn main() {
// 类似与Spin Lock.
impl<T> Inner<T> {
    fn poll_lock(&self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Guard<'_, T>> {
        if !self.locked.compare_and_swap(false, true, Acquire) {
            Poll::Ready(Guard { inner: self })
        } else {
            // Spin... but investigate a better strategy



// 用于Mutex 
impl<T> Guard<'_, T> {
    fn stream_pin(&mut self) -> Pin<&mut T> {
        // safety: the stream is pinned in `Arc` and the `Guard` ensures mutual
        // exclusion.
        unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(&mut * }


future copy实现了从reader异步write到write逻辑

fn main() {
impl<R, W> Future for Copy<'_, R, W>
    R: AsyncRead + Unpin + ?Sized,
    W: AsyncWrite + Unpin + ?Sized,
    type Output = io::Result<u64>;

    fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<io::Result<u64>> {
        loop {
            // If our buffer is empty, then we need to read some data to
            // continue.
            if self.pos == self.cap && !self.read_done {
                let me = &mut *self;
                // 从reader中异步读取n个字节
                let n = ready!(Pin::new(&mut *me.reader).poll_read(cx, &mut me.buf))?;
                if n == 0 {
                    self.read_done = true;
                } else {
                    self.pos = 0;
                    self.cap = n;

            // If our buffer has some data, let's write it out!
            while self.pos < self.cap {
                let me = &mut *self;
                // 异步写n个字节到writer中
                let i = ready!(Pin::new(&mut *me.writer).poll_write(cx, &me.buf[]))?;
                if i == 0 {
                    return Poll::Ready(Err(io::Error::new(
                        "write zero byte into writer",
                } else {
                    self.pos += i;
                    self.amt += i as u64;

            // If we've written al the data and we've seen EOF, flush out the
            // data and finish the transfer.
            // done with the entire transfer.
            if self.pos == self.cap && self.read_done {
                let me = &mut *self;
                // 最后写完了等待flush
                ready!(Pin::new(&mut *me.writer).poll_flush(cx))?;
                return Poll::Ready(Ok(self.amt));

buf reader/writer/sream