
Scanner 使用归并排序的思路扫描CF_LOCK, CF_WRITE来做遍历


假定事务t2,使用PointGetter::get读取user_key的value,t2的start_ts 保存在PointGetter::ts中。

get 一个user_key value过程如下:

fn main() {
    pub fn get(&mut self, user_key: &Key) -> Result<Option<Value>> {
  1. 如果IsolationLevel为SI(Snapshot Isolation), 则需要检查先load_and_check_lock, 如果为RC(read commit), 则直接去load_data即可。

  2. load_and_check_lock 会从CF_LOCK中读取user_key的lock, 然后检查lock和t2的时间戳。

  3. load_dataCF_WRITE中查找[0, t2.start_ts]之间最新事务(假设为t1)的Write, 其key为{user_key}{t1.commit_ts}, 如果write type为Rollback 或者Lock,就skip掉,接着查找下一个, 如果Write type 为delete,则直接返回None,如果是Put, 则从WriteRef中读取到事务t1的start_ts。 然后去读取数据。

  4. CF_DEFAULT 找到 {user_key}{t1.start_ts}对应的value。TiKV 对short_value做了优化,直接把value写在CF_WRITE中了,避免了一次再从CF_DEFAULT读取数据的过程。

Scanner 主要struct

Scanner主要分为ForwardScanner BackwardKvScanner,它们公用信息保存在ScannerConfig中,它们使用Cursor来遍历CF_LOCK, CF_WRITE, CF_DEFAULT中的数据。

Cursor主要在底层RocksDB的iter基础上,包装了一些near_seek, seek, valid等函数,并会将一些统计信息 写入到CfStatistics中。

ScannerConfig 用于保存一些公用的信息,比如scan key的lower_bound和upper_bound, 另外它还负责使用CursorBuilder创建cursor.

Snapshot 则提供了Iterator供Cursor使用。

ForwardKvScanner在遇到lock/write时,使用Trait ScanPolicy来处理lock/write. Trait Policy impl有:

  1. DeltaEntryPolicy
  2. LatestKvPolicy
  3. LatestEntryPolicy


Cursor则在RocksSnapshot的ite基础上包装了一些seek, near_seek等功能。 并每次读取key,value, 都会在CfStatistics上加一些统计,

在iter上加了一个near_seek结合和scan_mode,每次Key,value 会加一些key, value的统计。


ForwardScanner 用于扫描range(对应ScannerConfig中的lower_bound和upper_bound)内所有key最新(commit_ts <=T.start_ts) value

最简单粗暴的做法是像PointGetter那样,一个个扫描,但问题是对于CF_WRITE中扫描到的每个user_key,都需要到CF_LOCK中seek 查找它的lock信息。 但这样效率太低了.

TiKV采用了类似于归并排序的思路,同时移动 write cursor和 lock cursor. 使用最小的作为current_user_key。

fn main() {
//current_user_key, user_key, has_write, has_lock

// `current_user_key` is `min(user_key(write_cursor), lock_cursor)`, indicating
// the encoded user key we are currently dealing with. It may not have a write, or
// may not have a lock. It is not a slice to avoid data being invalidated after
// cursor moving.
// `has_write` indicates whether `current_user_key` has at least one corresponding
// `write`. If there is one, it is what current write cursor pointing to. The pointed
// `write` must be the most recent (i.e. largest `commit_ts`) write of
// `current_user_key`.
// `has_lock` indicates whether `current_user_key` has a corresponding `lock`. If
// there is one, it is what current lock cursor pointing to.
(Some(wk), Some(lk)) => {
    let write_user_key = Key::truncate_ts_for(wk)?;
    match write_user_key.cmp(lk) {
        Ordering::Less => {
            // Write cursor user key < lock cursor, it means the lock of the
            // current key that write cursor is pointing to does not exist.
            (write_user_key, true, false)
        Ordering::Greater => {
            // Write cursor user key > lock cursor, it means we got a lock of a
            // key that does not have a write. In SI, we need to check if the
            // lock will cause conflict.
            (lk, false, true)
        Ordering::Equal => {
            // Write cursor user key == lock cursor, it means the lock of the
            // current key that write cursor is pointing to *exists*.
            (lk, true, true)

然后调用Trait ScanPolicyhandle_lock, handle_write来处理遇到的lock, write

ScanPolicy 有以下三种impl

  • LatestKvPolicy: outputs the latest key value pairs.
  • LatestEntryPolicy: only outputs records whose commit_ts is greater than after_ts. It also supports outputting delete records if output_delete is set to true.
  • DeltaEntryPolicy: The ScanPolicy for outputting TxnEntry for every locks or commits in specified ts range. The ForwardScanner with this policy scans all entries whose commit_tss (or locks' start_tss) in range (from_ts, cfg.ts].






  1. bypass_locks ? 这个作用是什么?
  2. check_ts_conflict 为啥lockType为Pessimistic 就可以返回OK?


  1. percolator-in-tikv
  2. MVCC 数据读取