


每个TiDB server有个goroutine 周期性的更新stat信息 Handle can update stats info periodically.

在TiDB启动时候,会启动一个goroutine, loadStatsWorker

Update, 更新statsCache

加载载table的Histogram和CMSketch tableStatsFromStorage



// StatsNode is used for calculating selectivity.
type StatsNode struct {
	Tp int
	ID int64
	// mask is a bit pattern whose ith bit will indicate whether the ith expression is covered by this index/column.
	mask int64
	// Ranges contains all the Ranges we got.
	Ranges []*ranger.Range
	// Selectivity indicates the Selectivity of this column/index.
	Selectivity float64
	// numCols is the number of columns contained in the index or column(which is always 1).
	numCols int
	// partCover indicates whether the bit in the mask is for a full cover or partial cover. It is only true
	// when the condition is a DNF expression on index, and the expression is not totally extracted as access condition.
	partCover bool
// Selectivity is a function calculate the selectivity of the expressions.
// The definition of selectivity is (row count after filter / row count before filter).
// And exprs must be CNF now, in other words, `exprs[0] and exprs[1] and ... and exprs[len - 1]` should be held when you call this.
// Currently the time complexity is o(n^2).


  1. 计算表达式的ranges: ExtractColumnsFromExpressions


  1. correlated column 是什么意思?
  2. maskCovered作用是什么
  3. statsNode的作用是什么


  1. TiDB 源码阅读系列文章(十二)统计信息(上)
  2. TiDB 源码阅读系列文章(十四)统计信息(下)
  3. TiDB统计信息原理简介与实践